Favicon tales-of-iteria.my.pebble.host Offline

Status Offline
IP Address tales-of-iteria.my.pebble.host
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner John Kevin Wunar Jr
Votes 0
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. My username on and off of Minecraft will almost always be WolfShadowRider, and I am advertising for a Minecraft Server based on Roleplay and Events. We are trying to branch out and recruit both Staff Members and Players alike. We have been around since October 30th, 2020, but we've still got some bugs to work out and only consider ourselves PARTIALLY out of BETA stages. Even so, we've had some traction in the past with player activity and it sort of comes and goes. Real small community but, we hope to grow to maybe having a decent 10-15 people on a day. The server's lifestyle is comprised of half plugins, half Vanilla. Though a good majority of your time on there will be a bit average, the rules of how things apply are sort of different than usual. And the events are always fun, no matter the time or place. We try to keep it lively and do something that everyone can get in on every week, if not sooner, all while furthering a storyline that gets launched under an overall theme. If you have some interest in getting in on the ground-floor of this server's upstart, either as a player or staff member, let me know on Discord at WolfShadowRider#9424 and I'll queue you in to join us at the Tales of Iteria Discord!

