Favicon randomanarchy.serveminecraft.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address randomanarchy.serveminecraft.net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Custom
Server Owner Mister Goose
Votes 6
Country Hungary HU
Uptime 99%

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This is an offline mode 1.16 survival anarchy server. The server is being developed at the time, so it would be really helpful if you would share your experience with the server. Because the server is in offline mode, currently there is a /login plugin to prevent players logging in with other people's accounts, however it is recommended not to log out at your base because the coordinates could still be leaked. At first please register using the following syntax: /register your_password your_password_again, and log in with: /login your_password. Thanks for reading if you have any ideas, we are open for any suggestions.
