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Status Offline
IP Address cheezycraft.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Kris
Votes 130
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to our server! For 10 years, we have stayed together as a community. I have been running servers since my 8th grade, and we have built an amazing community here. Our server has taken over a year of development, concept-development, and player testing, and this time I believe we have finally hit the nail on the head. Our map was most recent reset on December 25th, 2020, and we do not currently have plans to reset it. The server is a smaller, community-based survival server with a unique twist; There are hundreds of custom items, weapons, armors, enchantments, titles, and more. Unlike other large RPG style servers, I am the single owner and manager of the server and have opted to keep the game as true to the vanilla game as possible. For the most part, you do not need to take part in the extra added content and can enjoy your time without the hassle and frustration of needing to learn an entirely new game when joining the server. For those interested in partaking in the special content, we have an entire wiki page with all information on non-vanilla items for you to reference when needed. There is land protection allowing you to peacefully protect your land without fear of war. On that topic, all wars are optional and must be agreed upon by both sides in order to happen, so don't worry; smaller factions cannot get wiped off the map to larger clans. There is a simple economy, allowing players to earn money from both completing custom achievements and selling a small list of items straight to the server. This currency can then be used to maintain a land claim, unlock some new abilities, or even buy other players gear in the public market. The market is also not inflated into the sky; Managing the value of the currency in game is a critical point that is closely monitored. There is plenty more I haven't stated here, but if you are interested in learning more, we would love to see you in game!
