Favicon Vd1.pixelhost.org Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Vd1.pixelhost.org
Connection Port 25766
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Category Factions
Server Owner Enrique
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://logistic.tebex.io/
Uptime 99%

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Brand new faction server made 3 days ago. I have the basics down, this is just a beta run to see how everything is working so far. The beta will be up for a month. After the month if the server comes out well, I will pre-release the server and see what other addons and items we can add to make the server better. All money donated for the Beta and Pre-Release will be given right back to the server allowing us to configure more items and add more to it. Ip: Vd1.pixelhost.org:25766 (Will change after beta/pre-release) Discord (Personal): F7.pain#7261 (Server Discord will be available mid Beta)
