Favicon OrcaAnarchy.ramshard.network Offline

Status Offline
IP Address OrcaAnarchy.ramshard.network
Connection Port 25590
Last Check
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Jag Durley
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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2B2T queues too long? Join Orca Anarchy today to become hopefully on of the largest minecraft anarchy servers there is! For JAVA only but hopefully one day it will become compatible with Bedrock! IP: OrcaAnarchy.ramshard.network If you would like to join our discord server to purchase ranks and chat with members of the community link is below https://discord.gg/BrdaJEAKSW Have fun I look forward to seeing you there! Server is based in Europe but ping will be okay in countries surrounding it, but we do not have enough money to have multiple server regions so maybe another day!
