Favicon grunnmc.ferox.host Offline

Status Offline
IP Address grunnmc.ferox.host
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner kratje
Votes 226
Country Netherlands NL
Servers Website http://grunnmc.enjin.com
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to GrunnMC,

We are running:
Pixelmon Reforged
IP: grunnmc.ferox.host
Website: www.grunnmc.enjin.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/hArCmxP6Ku

Server Features:

* 24/7 uptime!
* A friendly, mature, and helpful staffing team with a brilliant active player community!
* Battletower
* Fight vs staff trainers for nice rewards
* Training area
* Chat events
* 24-hr support ticket system!
* Free kits
* Discord contests and giveaways!
* Pokedex rewards(soon)!
* donator perks and rewards!
* Daily events
* Towns - No need to worry about griefers, create towns with friends! griefers will get banned!
10 discount on pokemon and crate keys from now till 31 March!
So what are you waiting for?! Come join our growing family at grunnmc.ferox.host!
