Favicon play.namelesskiwi.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.namelesskiwi.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Namless Kiwi
Votes 631
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.namelesskiwi.com/
Uptime 99%

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A small community based skyblock server. Come chat and make some friends! We range from 14 to 50 from all over the world. Stays updated with the current minecraft version but can join with older versions. Experienced staff ready to help, in game or in our discord :) Discord: discord.gg/VQQBbbeZD2 Features »New daily quests each day »Twerk on trees to make them grow »Craft armored elytras and elevators »Lock chests and use them to suck up items dropped around them »Ingame shop, player shops, auction house »Bank your xp so you never have to worry about losing it »Upgradable Ore gen »Nether & End islands »Customizable Armour stands »Perks Shop with backpacks, /feed, treefeller and more!
