Favicon mc.orangemc.xyz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.orangemc.xyz
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Aiden Lynn
Votes 1715
Country United Kingdom GB
Uptime 99%

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IP: mc.orangemc.xyz
Orange SMP is a unique SMP experience!

At Orange we have very lenient rules, we are a sort of mix between factions and SMP, mostly focusing on the SMP aspects.

At orange, all of the following are allowed:
- Griefing (exlcuding spawn)
- TP Trapping
- Raiding
- Printer and schematic usage
- Scamming In game items
- PvP Enabled everywhere (apart from spawn and shops)

We also have the following which makes us a unique and great SMP
- A great economy
- Friendly community
- Exciting events
- Streamers who stream / host events regularly
- Dynmap (You can hide yourself on the map too!)
- Great staff
- Easy claiming
- Player shops
- lenient and clear rules
If you are looking for a great server to join which includes PvP, War, and exciting things happening everyday then join Orange SMP!
IP: mc.orangemc.xyz
Discord: https://discord.gg/CdcsvhKv
Map: map.orangemc.xyz
Store. store.orangemc.xyz
Server Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Xnp81DLGg

