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Status Online
IP Address play.zestcraft.us
Connection Port 25565
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Category RPG
Server Owner zestym3m3s
Votes 1198
Country United States US
Servers Website https://store.zestcraft.us
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 80
MOTD discord.primecraft.us
Server Version Paper 1.21.3
Ping 104ms
Uptime 99%

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Howdy! Zestcraft is a Community Factions server with well built, well configured plugins and an active community! We're focused on giving players a challenging but rewarding journey to gain money, upgrade items, and level up skills and become the strongest on the server. We currently have around 15 active users and are excited to meet new players! Our main feature is our balanced economy. We give players multiple ways to earn money and upgrade their loot. We want to give everyone the ability to make money how they want instead of forcing them down a path. If you like mining, you can make money off of it. If you like building crazy mob farms, you can make money off of it. Not only are there ways to make money, we also have incredible items to spend money on. Some include, upgradable armor sets, 200+ non vanilla enchantments, 10 upgradable tools with higher than default enchantment levels, custom potions, and more. Events: We host weekly Drop Parties for achieving Voting goals each Saturday. There's also a regular DP scheduled each Saturday just before the Vote DP, so even if we don't reach our goal you'll still get something. If we get more active players we'll be starting PVP tournaments, Creative Build contests, and more. Current plugins and planned features: Some of our other features include McMMO, Economy, Factions, Custom Enchantments, Jobs, Parkour, Citizens & DTLTraders, Beasttokens, among others. Our biggest planned feature is a multi-part storymode parkour. With 4 unlockable parkour courses you'll uncover the mystery of Zorgoth and his curses. We're also going to be adding naturally spawning bosses in the world, which will give unique loot so players can go on journeys for monsters to get strong gear. Planned features: World Bosses Parkour Storymode PVP & Build arena with frequent tournaments Suggestions for future features are always welcome in our #suggestions tab in discord!

