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Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Jereme Amberson
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/xrCznaQGwg
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 20
MOTD A Minecraft Server
Server Version 1.12.2
Ping 137ms
Uptime 99%

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A Challenging, Fun and Exciting New Questing Pack with nearly 600 Quests, 142 Mods, and OP Rewards that you will find are NOT OP enough! Awesome mix of Tech, Adventure, QOL, Questing, and Favorite Mods that flow together perfectly to provide a Challenging fun, long term experience like you've never before seen! Explore the Overworld or travel to Multiple Dimensions to find some New (very Challenging) Mobs, Random Hidden Loot Chests, and Incredible Structures with GREAT Loot! This pack is geared towards extremely long term, End Game playthrough. Very little grinding (just enough to make it fun)! Extremely Challenging (but not enough to make it frustrating, once you figure it out anyway. LOL)! Lots of little "nuance" changes to make it feel as though you've never played it before! Highly recommend allocating at least 7300MB RAM for the game to run smoothly. WARNING: This pack is NOT for the meak and mild. You will die screaming, many, many times (FumenuYT) ;) . Do not download this pack if you scare easily or have a history of heart conditions-LOL!
