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IP Address play.insanegalaxy.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Andrew S Hollenbeck
Votes 5
Country United States US
Servers Website https://insanegalaxy.com
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 500
MOTD Currently under maintenance
Server Version ยง4Maintenance
Ping 51ms
Uptime 99%

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Ever wanted to explore a new galaxy? Feeling like there is more out there? Well, you cant, but with the power of our network, you can today! Here in Insane Galaxy, you can explore vast lands! Weather it be in the classic minecraft world style, or up in the heavens. Play factions, to build your very own guild for the ultimate power! If factions doesn't tickle your fancy, you can play some skyblock. In skyblock, you can challenge other players to become the best Sky island owner! If ether of those dont seem interesting to you, then we at Insane Galaxy ask you to please be patient with us as we add more exciting features into our network. (Please note, the Skyblock server is under another partner of Insane Galaxy!) Insane Galaxy has a Discord, join us today! https://discord.gg/PugnQc5vqn
