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Status Offline
IP Address slithersmp.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Carter L
Votes 41
Country Canada CA
Servers Website https://discord.gg/xrFEeZ3Mvq
Uptime 99%

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This server is meant to be a place where you can play minecraft with others, basically no rules besides no hacking and no lag machines. Besides that anything goes. There's no complicated spawn bullshit or complicated commands, it's a pretty simple server. If any admins abuse they are immediately demoted to member so you don't have to worry about admin abuse like in other servers and moderators only have access to watch over you, not to creative or anything. Feel free to kill anyone you like, steal anything you like and do whatever you please. Maybe group up with some friends? Start up a community where you can all build? The possibility are quite endless, you can set up to 2 homes.
