Favicon play.highlifemc.online Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.highlifemc.online
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Kristians Andersons
Votes 303
Country France FR
Uptime 99%

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Survival, Roles, Cool features, REALISTIC TERRAIN Version 1.16.4 Address play.highlifemc.online High Life is not an ordinary survival server, but let's just say... a more realistic one. Singlehandedly created by the one and only Bambizo. HL offers you the most interesting survival experience, introducing a realistic-looking terrain created using a mod Forge is only used to create the admirable, beautiful world, that adds a slightly more realistic touch to everything; other than that, nothing else is modded without a doubt. The server has many features, here's a brief: Mystery pots (as creates) NPC's Warps Random location teleport

