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IP Address ImperialSMP.Com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Austin Murray
Votes 20
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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ImperialSMP IP: ImperialSMP.Com Version: 1.16.5 Discord: https://discord.gg/58jRRy8RNK Website: Imperial-SMP.tebex.io Survival Minecraft server available for everyone to play on for free! Combat and Raiding is available, but you can also claim your land to protect your castle, farm, house, and everything else! We have tons of cool plugins to keep your adventure from getting dull like Quests, Disguises and KingdomsX, and an active discord to have friends with you on your adventure! We're actively searching for good Builders and Staff so please inquire on our discord about that! =] We have some rules to follow: 1. No Hacked Clients / Resource Packs 2. No Exploiting Bugs or Glitches 3. No Abusing Permissions given to your rank 4. No Intentional Lag DDoS, Lag Machines, Dupe Lag etc. 5. No Pedophilia or any Nature 6. No Racism no matter the context 7. No Harassing, demanding or bribing Staff 8. No Explicit Material, NSFW Images, or Pornography 9. Possession of illegal items is a bannable offense 10. Use common sense Thanks for reading! -Kentarin (Owner)
