DrantySMP.playmc.at Offline

Status Offline
IP Address DrantySMP.playmc.at
Connection Port 25565
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Server Owner Dranty
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/BYuqupBn
Uptime 99%

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We run a server named, "The Dranty SMP" Its loaded with 300 members, 10GB of ram and tons of storage to ensure a great experience for all. Its a WARSMP, massive wars can break out between parties, fight over resources, land, bases, or just be petty? Its up to you what you want to do really. Our mods and anticheat system prevent cheaters from running rampant, small hacks like nofall or xray are easily detectable here, our mods would sweep them out of the community fast. So what are you waiting for? Join up! The map is about 2 days old now and we have plugins such as timber and vein miner for your playing pleasure. No Whitelist or anything needed!
