Favicon XxFNAFxServerxX.mcpro.io Offline

Status Offline
IP Address XxFNAFxServerxX.mcpro.io
Connection Port 40532
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Category Minigames
Server Owner Bill Cipher
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://dawinnerishere.wixsite.c
Uptime 99%

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We may have FNAF in our server, but dont let that decieve you! XxFNAFxServerxX is back, with more games than ever! We have a variety of games, and the list will be added along the line (i say variety because most of the games are WIP). Bed Wars Murder Mystery KitPvP Hunger Games Creative Factions TNT Run Village Defense (Under Construction) Prison (Under Construction) SkyWars Parkour (Under Construction) Build Battle King of The Hill (Under Construction) Plots (Under Construction) The Bridge (Under Construction) SkyBlock Roleplay join at XxFNAFxServerxX.mcpro.io on 1.16+ on Minecraft: Java Edition! If you are using a client, we strictly use 1.16-1.16.5.
