Favicon creative.unity-server.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address creative.unity-server.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Creative
Server Owner Christian E Bird
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://store.unity-server.com
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to the Unity Creative server! Determined to provide the most free creative experience for our players, we have crafted a creative experience with almost no building restrictions. All blocks are allowed, and you can even get world edit to create and innovate to your heart's desire. While we do provide an extremely low restriction environment, player experience is at the core of our server, and we take great strides in keeping the community rich as well as safe. We have staff on at all times ready to help you with anything you need. Make sure to /vote every day for awesome rewards, have fun! But wait, there's more! Unity Creative is not the only server on our network! We also have an incredible community-driven survival server with an ongoing lore series created by the players. We even have our own mayor elections for the Unity Village! A welcoming group of players awaits you, and so does the world! Remember to join our discord for news updates, events, and more! We do weekly stream events with a brand new player tournament every week, and amazing prizes from our server store. We hope to see you there! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Qh2XbFv Server IP: unity-server.com Additional Details: Version: 1.16.5 (Latest) 24/7 Server Uptime Server Specs: Intel i9-10900K | 64GB RAM Survival Dynmap: http://unity-server.com:8123/ Server Store: store.unity-server.com
