Favicon play.vescraftmc.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.vescraftmc.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Jonathan Lendon
Votes 7
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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• About • Vescraft is a Minecraft server created by the Minecraft YouTuber Vesec (Currently owned by Powerfuljl#0001​) . The theme is an MMORPG, an open-world role-playing survival server. Features include custom dungeons to explore, an entirely custom storyline, custom bosses, mobs, and items. You are also able to gain skills and abilities to aid you during the storyline. • Claims • Are you looking for a more survival based experience? No worries, the entire storyline is optional! If you would like, you can find yourself a spot for your base, claim it, and do whatever you want! • Storyline • If you'd like to experience more of an RPG type of game, you can follow the storyline. The storyline will take you on quests through dungeons, fight custom bosses, gain new abilities and skills, and many other custom-coded features. • PvP/PvE • Once you've established yourself through claims and the storyline, you are able to fight other players and mobs with your newly acquired gear, skills, and abilities. If you manage to kill other players and mobs with good loot, you'll be even stronger than before. Head into the pvp arenas and establish yourself as the king! • Dungeons • Run though dungeons to gather loot and fight you way through custom mobs with friends or alone if you dare. • Custom Items • Collect all the custom made gear and tools found throughout your journey. Discord: https://discord.gg/CdtsBufj5m

