Favicon play.greenskull.xyz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.greenskull.xyz
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner ethan strine
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://greenskull.xyz/discord
Uptime 99%

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Hiya there! GreenSkull SMP is a minecraft server that has a lot of fun additions to the game. You can choose to play in hardcore, survival, or even in creative. It is Java. We enjoy having a vanilla+ environment, including giants, angel chests, one player sleep, more enchantments, toggleable pvp, xp based flight, and a whole lot more! All those additions along with proximity chat based on discord! The Staff does there best to resolve all issues as soon as possible as well. You can join our [discord (link)](https://greenskull.xyz/discord) for a nice community as well. IP: play.greenskull.xyz
