Favicon capitalmc.us Offline

Status Offline
IP Address capitalmc.us
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Samuel
Votes 245
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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CapitalMC is the perfect combination of realism, strategy and multiplayer rpg, giving you the opportunity to create your 19th century town and nation with towny, while also having access to many cool plugins which will allow you to engage in super cool movecraft battles in the sea, and one of the best community experiences you'll ever have. Everything is managed from our discord server, admins are always available to help you and we're always looking for suggestions and feedback in order to constantly improve the gameplay experience for everyone. So what are you waiting for? Join CapitalMC now and start building your empire! Join our discord at https://discord.gg/Get8wkJJht
