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Server Owner Sana
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Country United States US
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DeJure Craft blends 1.8 style PvP with Grand Strategy style RP politics using the factions plugin! Build castles and cities with your friends and then protect and expand through politics and PvP! This server was made because we couldnt find another one that: - Ran as smoothly with the plugins we want - Has no pay to win elements at all. Ever. - Has 1.8 era combat and the up to date building blocks. - Has an active community that creates rich RP driven diplomacy and conflicts. Check it out at: https://discord.gg/JnvjtysckD Here are some of our political maps after only a few weeks and images from constructions: https://imgur.com/5vCRAwK https://imgur.com/gallery/Or2Mdap And heres the DynMap: Plugins installed on server: Factions, Armoursetbonus, PortcullisDrawbridge, Dynmap, Anti-Enchants,
