Favicon play.2v1.me Offline

Status Offline
IP Address play.2v1.me
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Romvnly Gaming
Votes 1617
Country United States US
Servers Website https://2v1.me
Uptime 99%

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== Easy SMP ==
Server powered by Hostingbot, PaperMC, Purpur, and GeyserMC!
We can do anything on our server, we also take suggestions since we've literally just released the other day! What are you waiting for?
Java/Bedrock IP: play.2v1.me
Port: Default (Java 25565/Bedrock 19132)
Difficulty: Hard
- Java and Bedrock cross-compatible
- Java version 1.16.5
- Stable launch!!
- Economy and Towny
- Centered around Capitalism
- Custom Infernal Mobs
- Dedicated Anti X-ray Solutions
- Voting Rewards
- Anti Grief (Towny)
- CoreProtect
- BetterSleeping3
- Active community
- Anti Cheat for both Java and Bedrock.
- 100+ cheaters caught in 4k with ease.

Discord: https://discord.gg/U36v7kYTDK
