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Category Survival
Server Owner OfficialFourKingdoms
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website
Uptime 99%

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**FourKingdoms Network**

We here at the FourKingdoms Network are trying to grow for a bigger community who have alot of fun playing on the server and would like to help us grow the server into multiple gamemodes at some point.

We are striving for a community that is built on friendship, respect and most important… FUN! What is a community without having fun? The staff team is trying to do their best to make the best experience for the players and if you have any problems you can always tell us.

Server information:

Survival is a server with a nice and active community. We are using plugins that add some extra grind to the game. You can decide that you want to be the richest on the server, or the one that just builds amazing houses or someone who just plays for fun. It is all possible in this server.

**Land claiming**

To keep your house safe from others you can claim land with the land claiming plugin we use. To claim a land it cost in game $ which you can earn by doing different things. Take a look at Shops and economy.


You can create your own player shop in this server where other player can visit you and buy or sell stuff at your shop. This is a good way to have a income without doing too much effort.


The economy is based on in game $ which you will need for landclaiming and trading with other people. In the future the money will be more usefull such as house renting so you have a spot in the spawn where you can live or start your shop.

We do have jobs in this server that will give you money while you are playing. You can be a miner, fisher, explorer and much more.
