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Server Owner Frozetic
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Destabilize Minecraft Survival - Economy - Towns Welcome to the first server on the DMC network! Released 11/04/2019 DMC-ES is an economy/survival server, featuring 40+ plugins to improve gameplay, add depth, and a little more fun to the game. We feature plugins like Towny and Grief Prevention, to allow protection to both solo and party players. A full leveling system, thanks to the power of McMMO, and jobs. Progression through custom ranks, each giving more content than the last, with some great milestone ranks that give a greater reward than previous ranks. An economy driven by the players, by grinding jobs then selling your goods and services to other players. DMC-ES has a lot to offer for every type of player. We've got a small, but growing community and we would love to have you here! IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/4Vc47pA Website: dmcsurvival.org
