Favicon eightbit.serv.nu Offline

Status Offline
IP Address eightbit.serv.nu
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Custom
Server Owner Braxton
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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This is the eightBiT Skyblock server! It's quite new, so feel free to have fun and claim tons of land. What the eightBiT Skyblock provides that many other servers don't provide: CHEAP IN-STORE PURCHASES: The items in the eightBiT Server Shop are extremely cheap! Expect prices of under $2 for almost all items! OVER 80% UPTIME: Expect close to no crashing on this server! We are using a Premium host service. CRATES, SHOPS, AND CURRENCY: We've got all of them! Receive crates just for voting for the server, and purchase cool blocks and items with in came currency (Star Coins) without needing to spend a penny! Join now, and have fun!
