Favicon elevatedanarchy.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address elevatedanarchy.com
Connection Port 25585
Last Check
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Mathais Eklund
Votes 7
Country France FR
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to the Elevated Anarchy server! On here we want a community that follows absolutely no rules, if you can do it then you are allowed to do it. Some things may be patched by a watching God if it brings too much harm to the world (server). Things to take note of: - Iron, Gold & Diamond ores don't spawn naturally. The silent watching God of the server has removed the natural spawning ores and the ores now drop from mining regular stone. - We host a daily giveaway where we give a random player real money. To participate in the giveaway, simply play on the server or vote for the server!
