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Server Owner Steven Spiro Angelakis Jr
Votes 23
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.stevesnewgalaxy.com/
Uptime 99%

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APOCALYPSE/WASTELAND, ENDER IO, DRACONIC EVOLUTION, ADVANCED ROCKETRY, MEKANISM, TECHGUNS, AND MANY MORE (almost 200 mods) SERVER IS ONLINE 24/7, 999 PLAYER SLOTS, DISCORD, TECHNIC LAUNCHER PACK I created a wasteland terrain mod for this server myself, and combined many other curseforge mods with it to create an apocalyptic engineering simulation environment similar to the original steve's galaxy modpack. The server is online 24/7, we have a discord server, we have 999 available player slots, almost 200 mods, and we're available on the Technic launcher, so you dont have to install the modpack manually ( though we do have an option to download the modpack directly for manual installation, if you'd prefer that. ). For a full server description, server IP, mod list, rules, link to donate, discord link, and technic launcher/manual download links, Visit our website at: https://www.stevesnewgalaxy.com/ Welcome to the new universe.
