Favicon bigbynet.mine.bz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address bigbynet.mine.bz
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Survival
Server Owner Nick Croco
Votes 16
Country Australia AU
Uptime 99%

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Bigbynet is an Australian hosted Survival, Towny and Vanilla server. Created for primarily Australian minecraft players who are looking for a low ping, hacker-free, vanilla/survival experience with some addons and plugins to make the game more enjoyable! We value the quality of our server and thus look forward to users input/feedback. The server is moderated by mature and fair administrators who ensure that server rules are followed and the server maintains a premium quality for our players. The server is strongly anti pay-to-win, donations are more than welcome, very much appreciated and come with cosmetics and cool features, however no in-game items are rewarded for players who donate. We encourage player-made experiences, such as leaving PvP enabled outside of spawn, allowing players to create their own shops/warps, the ability to form towns/nations, etc. We ask for players who enjoy the server and would like to see it grow and expand to vote for the server when they can! Notable Plugin List: -Towny -Essentials /tpa, /sethome etc -ChestShops -Economy -Ranks -SilkSpawners -Lockette
