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IP Address sweetanarchy.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Gary Gehiere
Votes 0
Country United Kingdom GB
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Ping 3026ms
Uptime 99%

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Sweet Anarchy is a 1.16.5 SMP server located in the U.K. started in September, 2020 and the world file is over 350 GB. The players here are just like those on any other SMP except everyone will betray you and blow up your stuff. But because it's a small community people still come together for projects, celebrations and friendly PVP. Spawn is the center of player activity and it's crazy, fun and maybe getting a little hard to escape from. Especially without hacks -- but it's not impossible to get out of. Come and see the remains of many overlapping and competing player projects, PVP with others and add something of your own the insanity. There is more to see than just some lava casts. People who chat and try to fit in usually get accepted by the community fast. You can live as a nomad, town up with other players, join a griefing group and probably get backstabbed or contribute to one of the many highway, spawn and world border projects. This is not 2B2T. This is not Hypixel. 1.16.5 Server located in the U.K. No Rules, No Whitelist, No Donations, No Shop, No P2W Set up to 5 /home locations Use the hacks, client and mods you want - 1.12 to 1.16.5 client support Working dupe (click here for video on dupe) We have sponsored streamers - check out Duper Trooper and TAFPlays! Minimal anti-cheat plugin Difficult spawn... using /home might help but do NOT use that portal! Please join the discord for screenshots, bragging and general anarchy server stuff

