Favicon quantum-mc.net Online

Status Online
IP Address quantum-mc.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Quantum Galaxies
Votes 5805
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://forums.quantum-mc.net
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 20
MOTD [ Quantum Galaxies ] For those who remeber
Server Version §9◉ Sleeping
Ping 177ms
Uptime 99%

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If you're looking for a friendly community and updated server, Quantum Galaxies is the place to be. 

We are currently offering the following gamemodes:
♦ Skyblock
♦ Vanilla Survival
♦ Semi Vanilla + Playershops, jobs, skills
♦ OP Custom Survival + Beautiful large world, mythic/custom mobs, special enchants, minions, keep inv ON.

We will be adding updated gamemodes regularly. Join from 1.8 - latest

Server IP:  quantum-mc.net
Discord:   https://discord.gg/3xZgrr9
Website: www.quantum-mc.net/

