Favicon SakuraHouse.aternos.me Online

Status Online
IP Address SakuraHouse.aternos.me
Connection Port 26088
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Dawn Ken
Votes 0
Country Singapore SG
Servers Website https://discord.gg/uuZ4WDRVzC
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Server Version
Ping 93ms
Uptime 99%

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Sakura House is a Minecraft SMP owned by ilyDawn and the server offers quite a few things - server members can have access to turn the server online on aternos - server offers community house, trading halls, farms, etc - friendly members - still waiting for people to join and play constantly - owner plays in the server too - members can create their own faction - members can invite anyone they would like to play with - no limit - keep invent is on depending on members' decision - cracked players are allowed to play - skins display - no restriction of land - mineshafts - pvp arena - overall everyone who plays in the server is chill Hope to get more and more people to join the server and have fun!! :) Dm me on Discord : Dawnny#0513 if u have any questions
