
Status Offline
IP Address
Connection Port 25687
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Category Minigames
Server Owner sahil Trivedi
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/qMYaN4awxa
Uptime 99%

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1. Respect other users or get banned 2.Language and content must be kid-friendly including usernames and profile pictures (no NSFW)or get banned 3. Respect the admins and bots, or get banned 4. No raiding from this server or get banned 5. Raiding other server to get people on this server is allowed 6. no self promo 7. Hacking on the Minecraft server will earn you a ban depending on the type of hacking it will be decided for how long you will be banned. 8. Don't provoke people. This server contains minigames, a anarchy survival and a regular survival with no grieving and stealing. You will be ban if you hack or disrespect admin or mods, and if you become admin or mod don't disrespect or abuse your power or you will get ban.
