Favicon mc.nethersfreeroam.tk Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.nethersfreeroam.tk
Connection Port 25565
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Category Vanilla
Server Owner nether craft
Votes 1
Country New Zealand NZ
Servers Website https://sites.google.com/view/mc
Uptime 99%

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Servers can be tedious at times, as you play the same games over and over again, such as sky block or bed wars. But what if we switch things up a little? We simply created a simple Minecraft server that allowed not only everyone (cracked clients allowed), but also everyone from the other edition (bedrock). There are no rules, so there are no integrations. And there are nearly no plugins that interact with the gameplay. simple. SERVER NEVER RESETS AS THIS IS A CROSSPLAY SERVER, IT SETS YOU TO MINECRAFT STEVE OR ALEX AUTOMATICALLY. You can now play with your own skins! https://discord.gg/YTyDyCUcGs
