Favicon Play.Eleryion.xyz Offline

Status Offline
IP Address Play.Eleryion.xyz
Connection Port 25565
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Category RPG
Server Owner Callum Weiss
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/ZGGKxbKNvF
Uptime 99%

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Eleryion [Factions] [Roleplay]{Towny} {1.16.5} ABOUT US Eleryion is a new server featuring a ton of new content for both hardcore and casual players, this is a Towny server built on a massive custom world featuring great mechanics from the best MMORPGS in the world. With a massive content schedule, we plan to stay open and keep players engaged for hours of fun CONTENT AND FEATURES We have plugins that maintain and enhance the roleplay aspect of the game and encourage trade and cooperation between towns and nations. - Instanced Group Dungeons - New Weapon types with different stats such as reach and speed - NPC towns and quests - Advanced Cultures naturally forming over time, - A war system allowing for medieval style conquest of your enemies - Towny for land claim and political systems built on the server - FREE flight in towns forever for all players

