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Status Offline
IP Address play-evolvemc.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner dHakZz
Votes 27
Country United States US
Servers Website https://store.play-evolvemc.net
Uptime 99%

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Races | mcMMO | Land Claiming | Player Shops | Player Warps Server: play-evolvemc.net Store: store.play-evolvemc.net Discord: discord.play-evolvemc.net Java Version: 1.16.5 Vanilla Tweak Datapacks: - Elevators: Drop an ender pearl above a wool block to make it into an elevator. Jump on it to warp onto an elevator of the same color directly above. Crouch on it to warp onto one directly below. - Armored Elytra: Drop elytra and a chestplate above an anvil to merge them into one item. Drop the item above a grindstone to separate them again. Enchantments are kept safely between merging and separating. Burning netherite armored elytra will keep the chestplate but burn off the elytra. Other FUN: - Armor Stand Editor, Head Database, Pets, Player Particles, Custom Tags, Vote Site links with great rewards! We are a small community, just starting (released Aug 2,2021), but seasoned players who like to have fun. Community is number one, we do all we can to help everyone, new or not. Join us and see!
