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Connection Port 25580
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Server Owner Alex
Votes 4
Country United Kingdom GB
Servers Website https://discord.gg/XCJxgj6Raa
Uptime 99%

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We understand the fact that nowadays you can find a large number of SMP servers, but you would be wrong if you say they are all the same. Our server offers you a unique survival, supported by several plugins to complement the minecraft world in its own specific way. — The responsive administration of our project is always in contact with the community and is ready to offer a helping hand in their problems. — The international community of people playing on our server will dispel the ashes of similar players, thus creating a sense of liveliness. — The server supports its own dynmap, so players can monitor the movement of other players on our world. Cool! The server is set up for licensed editions of the game, accordingly only licensed players can play on it! Our community, of course, has its own Discord server, where you can contact the administration of the project for help or with your own questions! We will be happy to see you on our server.
