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Status Offline
IP Address hillcrestmc.net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Summit Survival
Votes 1
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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Server IP Address hillcrestmc.net version 1.17.1 General Summary Hillcrest packs many gameplay additions and features while a lacking the protections and moderation you find on most survival servers. Raiding, griefing, and PvP are permitted everywhere but in the core spawn region. There are commands that facilitate player-to-player teleportation, the ability to set a home, and features including the ability to use leads on villagers, and wind that slightly alters Elytra speed and mobs. Only 1 row of your enderchest is accessible and backpack items are disabled in Slimefun, another addition to the server. Information World border: 100k in each direction of spawn Server software: Purpur.jar Default mob rates AMD R 5950X w/ 16gb RAM 512gb SSD View distance: ticking 10; no-tick 16 Server Rules Do not modify your gameplay to attain an unfair advantage Do not use any glitches that duplicate items Do not cause significant lag or strain to the server Do not evade any bans issued Adhere to admin directions
