Favicon po2k.craftersnexus.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address po2k.craftersnexus.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner CraftersNexus
Votes 3
Country United States US
Servers Website https://craftersnexus.com/forums
Uptime 99%

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This is our Project Ozone 2 Kappa server! PO2 is an extremely popular 1.12 pack that is very fun and has a wide range of popular mods. This server is part of Crafters Nexus where we specialise in intense player interaction at every level of staff, from our Moderators all the way up to the Founders and Directors we can guarantee that you will have a great time! We hope you'll join us on ATM6, our discord: discord.gg/tWWsUZf, or any of our other servers!
