Favicon mc.valorcraft.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address mc.valorcraft.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Factions
Server Owner Werner Cedillo
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://valorcraft.net
Uptime 99%

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IP: mc.valorcraft.net Website: https://valorcraft.net Supports 1.8 - 1.15, recommended to use 1.8 or 1.12 or 1.15. We have 1.14 mods and blocks, and 1.8 combat PvP (No Elytra or Shields)! Factions RPG based server, newly launched! Raiding permitted, with working tnt cannons. Custom OP Enchants on Factions and SkyBlock server. Easily upgradeable ranks that are nearly free (Can also be bought through the server store) Separate SkyBlock server with GUI Shop, ranks, pets, crates, shards, mining world, and team islands. Custom generated terrain (with update aquatic), explore dungeons, caves, and custom strongholds. Over 200 unique biomes! Easy tree felling with Timber plugin. Easy access to isolated wilderness /wild Play time meter and rewards! Crates, upgrade-able ranks, and kits McMMO, with redeemable points Scaffolding blocks to protect your faction base/home. Easy difficulty mode Auctions, jobs, economy, quests, kits, envoys, XP boosters, crates, and King of The Hill KoTH. NPC based GUIs at spawn! GUI shop to buy and sell your items! MiniGames coming soon!
