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Status Offline
IP Address play.mwesterstudios.com
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Matthew Wester
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://www.mwesterstudios.com/m
Uptime 99%

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At it's core, Mwester Studios is a 1.17.1 survival minecraft server that hopes to bring back some of the same spirit of community that seems to be lacking nowadays. Join other players in a common purpose to play the game the way it was meant to be played (with some minor tweaks of course). With an easy to understand yet deeply complex economy system in place, players now have goals other than those of the base vanilla game. Players have the option of becoming merchants, hagglers, or even real estate agents buying and flipping plots! Speaking of plots, the server hosts a fantastic plot system, in which all players by default are entitled to one free plot! Players can harvest materials in the dangerous and risk-filled survival world and bring them back to build on their own plots without worrying about getting griefed or stolen from. So come on down and experience what it's like to have genuine fun on a good-old-fashioned minecraft server with players just like you! Welcome to the official Mwester Studios Minecraft Server! -Mwester
