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IP Address play.chronosmc.nl
Connection Port 21404
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Category Survival
Server Owner Nielsbest
Votes 203
Country Netherlands NL
Servers Website https://chronosmc-shop.tebex.io/
Uptime 99%

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ChronosMC Is a Dutch & English bungeecord network with Survival, Creative & Skyblock. Why would you choose ChronosMC? Let me tell you, This server is just not a ordinary server. This is a experience, Your gonna have the time of your life. You can play together with our community from all over the world, and enjoy all the unique things you can do in our gamemodes. The servers are updating regularly so you wont get bored, Now lets talk about our unique features. In the Survival gamemode you will have plenty of space to build and explore, Our world is 25k blocks in all directions. To make travel more easy, there is access to the random teleport command which will let you randomly teleport to any place in the world. We also have a balanced economy with a shop where almost every item is buyable and sellable. For some extra fun we added a datapack that lets you collect heads of mobs, Can u collect them all? Or become the richest? try it out now, altough time here never runs out. In Creative you can let your dreams come trough and build amazing stuff in our plot world. You will have plenty of enough space to build because the plots size are 100x100. To give you even more space you'll have access to claim 2 plots. Enter the portal and be amazed by all the amazing builds our community has built so far, See them for yourself. And last but not least, Skyblock. Also we made this gamemode more special. To start you can choose between a selection of starter islands, When chosen you can begin the adventure and conquer the skies. here there is a economy with a shop. compete with other players to reach the highest island level, If this isnt enough there are also challenges you can complete to acquire unique loot. If you got excited to play, Feel welcome to join and enjoy all that we have to offer. Ip: Play.ChronosMC.nl Discord: https://discord.gg/CAdcaB9bUN

