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IP Address globalmining.tk
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Global Mining
Votes 0
Country United States US
Servers Website https://minecraft.serverlobby.io
Uptime 99%

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Welcome to GlobalMining A Global Warming server where you have to watch out for the global temperature and way more! Watch out while smelting and killing to many animals as that causes the Carbon Increases. When it gets high it can cause, Sea Level rising, Wildfires, Ice peak melting, animal growing's, And Mob growing. Watch Out for many different Disasters that can occur to destroy you. Make sure that you are safe if any disaster takes place and make a good place in case anyone tries to steal something or even burns your base... The Server is always online and if you need any support I recommend joining the official discord server! Now, will the server be a total disaster or a calm world with perfect things? Join the server now!
