Favicon forge.furryvalley.com Offline

Status Offline
IP Address forge.furryvalley.com
Connection Port 25567
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Category Custom
Server Owner Furry Valley
Votes 0
Country Germany DE
Uptime 99%

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Whether you're a furry or just a regular user looking for a friendly and caring community, The Furry Valley servers are for you! Not only do we host the Vanilla server here, but also a Pixelmon server and a custom Modpack catered to our wonderful playerbase~! Not a furry? Doesn't matter to us! We welcome everybody, whether you have no experience with furries, are a furry yourself, or just wanting to have a good time~ we welcome all people, from normal people to fluffbutts and even cuties in denial~ Want to play with friends but they only have the bedrock edition? that is no longer a problem with us as our vanilla server has Cross-Platform compatibility! That means Java and Bedrock players can play together on our vanilla server! No mods / client changes needed! We feature RPG-like elements to level up your skills, improve on your character and achieve great builds with an even greater community! Even if Minecraft is not 100 % your thing or you slowly get bored of it, come join our discord! as we host more than just Minecraft servers and events~
