Favicon ltc.nodecraft.gg Offline

Status Offline
IP Address ltc.nodecraft.gg
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category Vanilla
Server Owner Jesse Thomsen
Votes 0
Country Australia AU
Uptime 99%

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~Looking To Chill~ {An Inclusive Place For Positive People} Hey Everyone! Our community LTC has a Vanilla Minecraft 1.18+ Server (w/ tons of QOL Datapacks!) that we've made publicly available to Players outside our Community and are currently looking to find some new friends to add to the fun! We are an Australian Whitelisted Server with a curated player-base of friendly and respectful people from all sorts and walks, united together around the core value of having a good time! :) Anyone is welcome to join our Discord Community and get a feel for the place and the people! We have a variety of channels, topics and experts about all sorts of things, not *just* games! So hop in and say hello~!! :) https://discord.gg/7ga3u7rV4u
