empireoftheforgotten.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address empireoftheforgotten.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25565
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Category Survival
Server Owner Patrik Kucsora
Votes 0
Country Afghanistan AF
Uptime 99%

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We opened an 1.17.1 Skyblock server with tons of custom things just like:-Custom Enchants--Custom items-Custom Fishes-Custom food-Jetpacks-McMMO Skills-Tons of Crates-Auction House-Slimefun-Warp End to summon ender dragon!-PvP Arena-Webstore(with ranks/keys/pinata)-Theres 3x more custom fishes now-Fishing augments are craftable now check out /warp basics-TimeVote! Start a voting for time using /tv day/night-Do you like spend your money? Try out gamble! Use /bar-You hated the old shop? Well you will like the new one. /shop-Set your own warp on your island using /pw set -Voting can give you Emperor keys now! /vote-Everyone got permission to break spawners with a silktouch pickaxe.-Use /Pw helpcenter for help!-Use /rewards for daily/weekly/monthly (Premium rewards for ranks)-Player chest shop:To create a shop, place down a chest and left-click it with the amount of items you want to sell.For example: If I want to sell 16 diamonds will I need to hold 16 diamonds in my hand and left-click the chest with it.-Dungeon/Quests coming soon!-Discord:https://discord.gg/UCTkEpQJkwIP:empireoftheforgotten.apexmc.co
