Favicon jmc.apexmc.co Offline

Status Offline
IP Address jmc.apexmc.co
Connection Port 25565
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Category Vanilla
Server Owner jellyoot
Votes 11
Country United States US
Servers Website https://discord.gg/TmXfVxBNBW
Uptime 99%

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A 1.18 SMP server. JellyMC aims to create a fun, vanilla experience. Have you ever wanted to play vanilla Minecraft but with a fun, nice community? Have you ever wanted to duel someone? Or start a huge build project with all of your friends and like-minded people? Here at JellyMC you choose that you want to do, you can build, fight, start a war, start a large community project, roleplay, or just go out into the wilderness and play regular survival Minecraft. The choice is yours here at JellyMC. Note: Server resets on 12/18/21 at 6:00PM CST What can you expect? - Tight knit community - - A welcoming community - - Active staff team - - Community events - - Community projects - Our Plugins - Core-protect, our anti-grief plugin that allows us to roll back any damage that is done in an instant - - Homes! You can set a maximum of 2 homes, wherever you want! - - WorldGuard, we use this to protect spawn so we have an environment that won't get griefed - - BlockLocker, this plugins allows you to lock your chests with signs - - And Numerous plugins to help the staff keep the server fair and fun for all players - Details: IP: jmc.apexmc.co or Discord: discord.gg/cYm8Unc
