Favicon StoneZone.ServeMinecraft.Net Online

Status Online
IP Address StoneZone.ServeMinecraft.Net
Connection Port 25565
Last Check less than a minute ago
Previous Check 11 days ago
Category Vanilla
Server Owner Stavy Stavy
Votes 3
Country United States US
Servers Website https://minecraft-server-list.co
Online Players 0
Maximum Online Players 64
MOTD Stone 🌊 🌊Zone
Server Version 1.21.4
Ping 181ms
Uptime 99%

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Vanilla with Data Packs!

Survival of the Dankest!

This dank server is over one year old with no plans of shutting down anytime soon. The world has chunks that date back to 1.15 beautifully blended with new 1.18 chunks. This server has no plans of resetting the world, and takes back ups fairly often. Stone Zone uses a mixture of unique custom data packs and popular QoL data packs.

Stone Zone is a small SMP that offers the dankest survival experience that you can partake in. Copious treasures and challenges await You. Hostile monsters will attempt to overwhelm your defenses, but with the dank loot You've collected along the way You're bound to over come the challenge. Use emeralds to buy all sorts of things; including villager eggs. Create your own massive villages and farms to match. But be careful who you share your coordinates with! Someone may loot your stash! Stone Zone could be mistaken for an anarchy, its definitely not. We have a few basic rules.

Join the Dankest SMP on the West Coast!

|=- Treecapitation & Paper Bark
|=- Silk Touch Spawners, Amethyst Buds, & Cake
|=- Multiplayer Sleep
|=- Hostile Monster Loot Boxes
|=- Smarter, Faster, Deadlier Hostile Monsters
|=- Creeper Birthday Party
|=- Emerald Economy & Emerald Shop
|=- Player Heads
|=- Name Colors & Hats
|=- Copper Beacons & Climbable Chains
|=- Multiple Homes & No World Border
|=- No Claims & Raiding/Griefing are Allowed
|=- World Never Resets & Back-Ups Happen Often
|=- Four-Twenty Friendly

Always running the latest Vanilla JAR from Mojang!

Join @ stonezone.serveminecraft.net

Join the Stone Zone Discord Server @ https://discord.gg/8fzCabd7pA

