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Status Offline
IP Address uplusion23.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Custom
Server Owner Trevor LJM McIntire
Votes 1
Country United States US
Servers Website https://uplusion23.net
Uptime 99%

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uplusion23.net is currently a brand new Non-Modded Creative/Survival-Factions server, with an amazing set of plugins As this is a new server, we are open to suggestions and constantly adjusting the settings and plugins of the server. We hope to see you in game soon! I am currently looking for staff, so if you have previous experience, let me know! - No mods, only Server Plugins! - Factions PvP - Backpacks - Player Particles - Skills - Plot System - AutoRanks - Economy - Loot Crates - Cosmetics Store - Dynmap IP Address: uplusion23.net Website: uplusion23.net
