Favicon onlykings.fluctis.net Offline

Status Offline
IP Address onlykings.fluctis.net
Connection Port 25565
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Category Anarchy
Server Owner Comrade
Votes 32
Country United States US
Uptime 99%

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***NEW SERVER*** We are a brand new server specializing in vanilla survival PVP. We encourage griefing, almost everything is allowed besides hacking, the only safe place is the spawn... Form alliances or be a lone wolf who viciously attacks anyone who approaches, the choice is yours. ***Supply Drops*** -Every hour, 3 supply crates will drop with coordinates available. Fight off other players to loot the valuable crates for yourself! ***Discord Integration*** -Join our discord to be able to chat in game through discord, and vice versa. ***Rewards for voting*** -Rank up and gain the ability to set homes and teleport to them -Gain access to a kit to help jumpstart your game -Spend your votes in our vote shop for valuable items
