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Status Online
IP Address realmportalmc.xyz
Connection Port 25565
Last Check
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Category RPG
Server Owner Paintsplatters
Votes 432
Country United States US
Servers Website http://realmportalmc.xyz
Online Players 4
Maximum Online Players 500
Server Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Ping 200ms
Uptime 99%

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â–£ Explore many new biomes and start a town. The world is open and free to build in.
â–£ Create factories to produce resources. Take part in the economy; Trade or sell with others
â–£ Choose a class. Each with unique skills. Fight custom mobs and bosses for unique items.
â–£ Explore dungeons for special loot, experience and exclusive gear
â–£ Monthly updates and new content. We like to hear the community's feedback and ideas!
â–£ No mods needed. Just accept the resource pack when you connect!

â–£ Realmportal is over 8 years old with Experienced admins and mature staff.
â–£ If you have any questions feel free to ask.
